If you just bought an iPhone 6 Plus and you like to wear tight pants, beware. …maybe. There are reports circulating online claiming that the new, larger iPhone bends when owners carried them in their pockets for long periods of time. Ironically, the reports came the same day thatĀ smartphone warranty provider SquareTradeĀ called theĀ iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 PlusĀ the “most durable …
Analysts on Apple: Looking to iPhone 6 upside
Analysts wax eloquent on future Apple devices and strategies, including the iPhone 6, iWatch, and mobile payments. Wedge Partners and Pacific Crest weighed in on the rumored iPhone 6 this week, with Wedge also offering speculation on other possible products like the iWatch and a bigger iPad as well as strategies for services at Apple. Overall, the research note from …