Casper Computer Laptop PC Repair in Bradford


Sometimes the Internet is working but there is a wireless problem and itā€™s not always easy to understand whatā€™s going on.

Very often wireless networks do not always reach all the corners of the house that you want it to. Either way we will diagnose the problem quickly and in most cases be able to fix it within an hour. Sometimes the problem can be a faulty telephone line in which case I will leave the service provider with all the information they need to test the line and repair the fault. We will talk to the service provider on your behalf if you prefer. I know many of my customers dread having to deal with call center personnel who can be a little ā€œtechnicalā€, but it is worth the wait.

One of the biggest complaints we receive is about slow computers. Most people have or know someone that is suffering from a slow computer. This can be one of the most frustrating problems of using a computer. Computers & Laptops become slow over a period of time by using the Internet. They can also slow down by having old programs that no longer work very well or software corruption. Many people will just buy a new computer but this is usually not necessary. To fix that go to:

First save all your data, photos, documents, music etc. Then we will fix it at our shop at Casper Computer Repair and we will return it to you withinā€¦ā€¦.

Computers can be picked up from Casper Computer & Laptop Repair
We also teach people how to fix their computers and laptops at Casper Computer Repair in Bradford.

We can teach you how to reset windows, build a computer, how to repair laptop screen, apply parts and many more things. Itā€™s much more simpler than you think it is.

Have a Virus? Casper Computer Repairs in Bradford help you.
The reason viruses exist has changed more over time. A few years ago viruses were sent to infect our computers by bright but morally ā€œchallengedā€ individuals who liked to ā€œdo it because they couldā€. They fall into the same category as yobs who spray graffiti on walls. Nowadays however itā€™s very different. Most modern day viruses are sent by organised criminals in order to extort whatever they can from us. This could be passwords, usernames, private information or credit card details, basically they want to rob us of our money. But donā€™t worry. At Casper Computer and Laptop Repair we can apply an anti-virus (usually Kaspersky, but we can apply any other one of your choice) for a very cheap price of Ā£30 per year.